I truly think that there is more beauty in imperfection than perfection, for it is the imperfect things that truly make us beautiful. --me
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Jul 26, 2008

Salvaged Flowers

These flowers were accidentally broken off the bush. Well, I think it is a bush. My son was walking on the path, or rather what he considered a path and lost his balance and knocked the flowers off the bush. He had fun walking on the border around the flower beds, the border was three bricks wide, the perfect size for an almost two year old. These flowers were set on the table and as I sat there I thought you know I should take advantage of these beautiful flowers sitting right in front of me. This is the best of the macro shots that I took, well at least the ones that you can see both flowers. I loved seeing the flowers that my cousin had planted. I envy her yard. I long for when I will be able to have my own house and a yard that I can truly make my own. I envision something similar to my cousins but who really knows. I doubt that I will live on a river. But it is nice to dream about. I enjoyed the scenery, I saw a deer down by the river. My cousins husband was standing so close to the deer, they have learned to trust him and actually come up to the house to beckon him to feed them. I saw a squirrel, a couple of red-winged black birds, a cardinal, a blue jay and a few butterflies. Most were around while my camera was inside. I could have gotten a picture of the deer but being that I was at the top of the hill and it was at the bottom, and my zoom was not giving me the image that I wanted. I'll have to recheck the butterfly image and see if it is worthy of posting. Maybe I can use that as my camera critters shot. Well that is all I have for today. Thanks for coming by.


Louise said...

Very beautiful flowers. So nice you can/could see so many different animals and birds. Sometimes you just have to look and not worry about the pictures.

Unknown said...

These daylilies are a rareer clor than most - love your butterfly too

My First Blogging Recognition

My First Blogging Recognition
from Louise at Potted Frog

My Second Blogging Recognition

My Second Blogging Recognition
from Mom of 4 at Our "Lil" Family

My Third Blogging Recognition

My Third Blogging Recognition
from Pam at The Conley Family