It had to have been close to a hundred degrees out. I was sitting down on a lower ledge waiting. Waiting. Waiting. My sister, cousin and one of my cousin's friends were cliff diving. They all jumped from the lower ledge, where I am sitting, without much hesitation. Okay they each did this twice, so they decide it is time to move up to the bigger cliff, besides the lower one was just for test runs. Finally my sister jumps, a few minutes later my cousin's friend jumps but only after a few test walk ups to get herself ready to actually jump, my cousin is doing the same thing and continues to do this for another few minutes. So I take advantage and shoot a few shots of the gorgeous scenery. I only shot two or three shots at the time because I am using film and I honestly didn't really think about the artistic possibilities because in 2001 I still didn't think of myself as an artist. This image was one of the ones juried into the student art show the year I had seven images. I was impressed since I was only in three art classes at the time and if I remember right I only submitted eleven images to be juried. Anyway this is beside the point. I am proud of this image because I literally sweated it out to get it. There was no shade around and I had to sit in the direct sun and it truly was hot out. Think Arkansas in mid-July.