This is an image that I merged together to get the full rainbow. On the right side you can see a faint double rainbow. This was such a weird day. I left the store and saw the double rainbow. I stopped took pictures then moved to a better location for shots. My cousin, who was with me, and I watched the rainbows fade. We started to head home and BAM! the rainbows appeared again. I frantically tried to figure out where I could safely pull off the road and take more pictures. Found a place and the image above is the result from this little endeavor. And to think I almost waited to go to the store at a later date.
Info from
Wiki about double rainbows:
"In a double rainbow, a second arc may be seen above and outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed (red faces inward toward the other rainbow, in both rainbows). This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets. The region between a double rainbow is dark, and is known as "Alexander's band" or "Alexander's dark band". The reason for this dark band is that, while light below the primary rainbow comes from droplet reflection, and light above the upper (secondary) rainbow also comes from droplet reflection, there is no mechanism for the region between a double rainbow to show any light reflected from water drops."