I truly think that there is more beauty in imperfection than perfection, for it is the imperfect things that truly make us beautiful. --me
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Jan 8, 2009

Heartfelt thanks

I want to thank all of my blogging friends for all of the condolences and prayers. They truly were felt and needed. Your prayers allowed my family and me to have the strength that was needed for the last few days. I know there are many rough days ahead still but the roughest part is over. Thanks again and I hope to be back on Sunday.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Take all the time you need.Rest assured of my continued prayers.Cherish the good memories you have from times now past.

Michele said...

I know it must be a tough time but know that we are always out here whenever you need us!!
Take your time, my friend, and I do look forward to your return.
I will continue to pray for you and your family for as long as you need it.

storyteller said...

It's good to know you and your family are finding strength to get through these difficult days. I continue to pray for all of you.
Hugs and blessings,

Louise said...

In a way the roughest part is over, but in my last comment I said that it takes a full year...

Someone told me of this when my mother passed away (it's been 2 years). I didn't completely understand it, but she told me that you have to live through every season, every holiday, every special occasion, every ANYTHING that would bring of memories of your departed loved one. Don't be surprised if you're driving and hear a song or see something that reduces you to tears. Those are very healing tears, however.

I don't know, but I think I will probably cry on my birthday forever because of the strong memories I have of my mother for that. This year (1-1//2 years) after her passing, I was surprised at how sad I was that day about my mom. Maybe that will ease up, too, but maybe not.

The same friend who told me the above told me something else... that Christ understands. The father of Jesus is not mentioned in Jesus' adult life, and scholars assume Joseph had died. Jesus lost a parent, too. He knows how horrible and hard it is.

Sorry for the extra long comment, but I really appreciated those words from my friend right after my mother passed away.

Many thoughts of you...

Shelley said...

You are still in my thoughts and prayers. I know it is hard to lose a parent and my heart goes out to you.

My First Blogging Recognition

My First Blogging Recognition
from Louise at Potted Frog

My Second Blogging Recognition

My Second Blogging Recognition
from Mom of 4 at Our "Lil" Family

My Third Blogging Recognition

My Third Blogging Recognition
from Pam at The Conley Family