This is a creative outlet for me. I enjoy photography and enjoy showing it to others. Feel free to leave a comment, I do appreciate feedback.
I truly think that there is more beauty in imperfection than perfection, for it is the imperfect things that truly make us beautiful. --me
Mar 31, 2009
Mar 30, 2009
The Sugarhouse

The Sugarhouse is another favorite. I look forward to taking my boys back to watch them making maple syrup, not sure if it will be this year but definitely next year. This is such a great time. I have taken my two oldest nieces to experience this and they had a lot of fun especially my oldest niece, she was 4.5 years old at the time. The staff are always so friendly and helpful and allowed for the experience to be a truly personal one. They take the time to personally answer questions and explain things on a level that is appropriate for the age group they are talking with. I love this experience and have tried to go back as often as I can.

Chippewa Nature Center,
Mar 29, 2009
One-Roomed Schoolhouse

One of my favorite parts of the Chippewa Nature Center is the one-roomed schoolhouse. In the few years that I have been visiting the nature center, I have taken several images of the different buildings out there. However, most of them are in black and white and are hand processed. I love all of my images but will admit that I am rather partial to my B&W images. These are from before some of the transformations to the building took place. The bell had a roof over it and there were steps going up to the door of the building. While I understand the reasoning behind the dirt ramp up to the building as far as the handicap accessibility aspect but I don't understand why the roof over the bell was removed. Anyhow, I love the blue skies in this image a promising sign that spring is truly on its way.
Chippewa Nature Center,
Mar 28, 2009
A Pecking Order

Well things are starting to get back to normal around my home, well as normal as a household with two little boys under two can get. I have the images for my give away picked out and will post more details on this later. My one year blogging anniversary for this blog is on April 13 and I have already passed my 5000th unique visitor during my small hiatus. I will have details about the give away posted around April 1 (and no this is not an April fool's joke). Keep watch for the details.
I will be sharing some new images and a few forgotten images over the next few days. I hope everyone enjoys. Thank you so much for all of your comments and for your wonderful friendship that you have shown to me. I have had a lot on my plate lately and having an oasis to retreat to has helped when I was unable to physically go somewhere. Thanks.
Chippewa Nature Center,
Mar 14, 2009
I will be back soon. Life is crazy and I hate that I have not been online. I have been helping two little boys recouperate from a stomach bug and I am seeing the end of that. They are becoming the active little boys that they were before all the sickness. I have been taking it easy and look forward to posting again. I miss my friends out there and have been trying to stay caught up on reading all the posts but have not had much time for commenting. I shall return to the blogging world shortly. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and thoughtfulness at this time.
Mar 4, 2009
A Give Away
I hvae been trying to think of something special to do. My one year anniversary for this blog is coming up soon, as well as my 200th post, and I noticed that between this blog and my family blog I am nearing my 5000th unique visitor. I recently ordered some photo items to start selling in some craft fairs this Christmas as well as on Ebay. I will post more details here really soon. I have to work out all the logistics on my end and decide what exactly I'm giving away.
Mar 3, 2009
I'm Still Here
Just wanted to stop in and let everyone know that I'm still around. I had hoped to sort through my images from my recent trip to Midland but have not been able to find the time. I have been dealing with a sick baby*** and am just plain tired out right now. I hope to get them sorted through soon. For now I leave you with a picture from a while back, it also makes me think of spring and summer which are just around the corner. I plan to get lots of shooting in during the warmer weather. Hope everyone enjoys my little friend, I hope he comes back this spring and summer.
***Update: I have two sick little boys now. I will get back to things as soon as I can. Thanks for all the support.
***Update: I have two sick little boys now. I will get back to things as soon as I can. Thanks for all the support.

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